Aerial view of the Spectrum Resort Orlando pool

Spectrum Resort Orlando Special Offers

Enjoy our modern amenities along with some sweet savings.

Stay longer and save more! Enjoy 20% off the Best Available Rate when you book a 3-night stay.

* Offer valid through December 31, 2025. Minimum 3-night stay required. Early departures not permitted. Restrictions apply. Cannot be combined with any other offers, promotions, or packages.

Stay longer and save more! Book 4 nights and enjoy 25% off the Best Available Rate.

* Offer valid through December 31, 2025. Minimum 4-night stay required. Early departures not permitted. Restrictions apply. Cannot be combined with any other offers, promotions, or packages.

Embrace the Luxury Lifestyle with up to 15% off your Vacation Home stay at Spectrum Resort Orlando.

*Restrictions apply. Minimum 2-night stay is required, and early departures are subject to penalty. Offer is based on availability and cannot be combined with any other offers or promotions. Cancel free of penalties 72 hours before arrival date.

Florida & Georgia Residents can save up to 20% off stays at Spectrum Resort Orlando. Available for a limited time only.

*Minimum 2-night stay required. Blackout dates and restrictions apply and are subject to change. Rate is based on availability and cannot be combined with any other offer. Proof of residency is required at time of check-in. 14-day cancellation policy. 10% deposit required at time of booking.

The ultimate getaway awaits! Stay 6 nights or more and enjoy a fantastic 30% off the Best Available Rate.

* Offer valid through December 31, 2025. Minimum 6-night stay required. Early departures not permitted. Restrictions apply. Cannot be combined with any other offers, promotions, or packages.