Stay Well. Care Spectrum Resort Orlando
The health benefits of self-care are many, but the most important one is that practicing self-care leads to relief from stress, which we all need. But aside from simply feeling better, here are a couple unexpected benefits of focusing on self-care:
Better Productivity
When you learn how to say “no” to things that overextend you and start making time for things that matter more, you slow life down in a wonderful way. This brings your goals into sharper focus and helps you to concentrate on what’s important.
Enhanced Self-Esteem
When you regularly make time that’s focused solely on being good to yourself and meeting your own needs, you send a positive message to your subconscious. Specifically, you treat yourself like you have intrinsic value, and this can go a long way toward discouraging that critical inner voice and increasing your emotional wellbeing.
Increased Self-Knowledge
Practicing self-care requires thinking about what you really love to do. The exercise of simply focusing on what makes you feel passionate and inspired can help you to understand yourself a lot better.
More to Give
Self-care gives you the resources you need to be compassionate to others as well. Giving compassion is a bit like filling a bucket; you can’t fill someone else’s if you don’t have enough of your own!