Spectrum Resort Orlando Blog

Family Vacations are More Important Now than Ever

Since the Covid pandemic hit the United States, nearly every aspect of family life has changed. Whether it’s parents working from home or children taking classes online, many families are spending more time together than ever before. While it may seem like you’re seeing each other enough these days, the fact is, not all time together is quality time.

According to multiple studies and articles (including this one here), kids need both quantity and quality time. It’s nice to eat lunch together and chat in-between meetings, but that doesn’t replace those moments of undivided attention and fun that only a vacation can provide.

Family of a mom, dad, and 2 kids playing soccer together.

How Vacations Bring Families Together

Less Screen Time

If you’ve ever been with your child while they’re on the phone, you know that being in a room together isn’t the same as being together. But when you take a family vacation to Spectrum Resort Orlando, the in-house features, resort amenities, and nearby attractions offer plenty of ways for you and your kids to enjoy time with each other.

Fewer Distractions

When staying at home, screens aren’t the only distraction. Even when trying to take time off, thoughts of work, running errands, household chores, and countless other tasks can get in the way of carefree family time. Luckily, when you stay at Spectrum Resort Orlando, you not only have the benefit of being away from the stressors of work and home, but you have access to world-class concierge services that will take care of everything from food and equipment rentals to transportation and theme park tickets.

More Memories

When you and your family spend day after day doing the same things in the same places, each experience tends to blur into a singular slice of everyday life. Day-to-day life has a great influence on who we are, and who our children become, but routine activities tend to slip into our subconscious and are largely forgotten. On the other hand, vacations and holidays remain more at the forefront of our memories, creating a well of joyful experiences that last a lifetime.

Family of 4 sitting together for a meal at their curated resort residence.

Now’s The Time for a Family Vacation

This is the perfect time to disconnect from the everyday so you can reconnect with the ones you love. Click here to find the accommodations that are right for you at Spectrum Resort Orlando.

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